Monday, June 9, 2014

Stone Guardian Coast

No one knows who built the stone cherubim which guard the western side of the Elos Bay from Baneta to the Ek’Ridar River, though most scholars credit an ancient Dejy kingdom. The Dejy themselves deny this, claiming that the Guardians were old when they first explored these shores. If the Lathlani built these statues or know of their origin, they are silent on the subject.

Whether despite or because they don’t know their origin, the Stone Guardians have become pilgrimage sites for the Elos Dejy, and those of the Young Kingdoms, particularly the Chors of the Benatar River Valley, have been known to travel far to see them. They are particularly sacred to those who serve the Wave Crusher (the water corner of the Mother of the Elements)--water-based spells, such as conjure water elemental and water breathing are quintupled in range, duration, and strength here. When Fulakar attempted to conquer the Elos some five centuries ago, the shaman Manajhi stood atop the centermost Guardian and summoned a great tsunami that drowned the Kalamaran fleet. Ever since, Kalamaran ships have given this coastland a wide berth, preferring to sale out of sight of land.

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