As Norga-Krangrel has re-emerged as a power in the Young Kingdoms, all eyes have been on Korak and Ek'Kasel, whose military might has so far managed to constrain the hobgoblins to the Ek'Ridar River valley . . . or so they think. In fact, aside from successful raids for slaves and treasure into the Young Kingdoms, the burgeoning nation of the Krangi has also sustained its military buildup through attacks on the various peoples of the Elosi, seizure of mines in the desert, and maintenance of a trade route to Shrogga-pravaaz, City of Giants.
The Yentu ("Sojourner") Tribes are a loose confederation of Elosi who have fled the desert to find sanctuary north of the Ek'Ridar. Downriver of the more aggressive Ajin, the Yentu were granted a space to sojourn by the Gurin who reside in the southernmost reaches of the Kalokopeli Forest and who nominally--and with Mayor Gremply Slivers of Prompeldia's blessings--control and patrol those scrublands. They are closely watched (and watched over) by Gurin patrols, who are thought of as guardian spirits by the Yentu, who in return give offerings of the best of their goats and ceremonially invite the Gurin to participate in their festivals.
Each tribe has its own leader, usually the eldest and often a shaman. The Circle of Elders meet among the Pillars of Eridu at each turning of the season to discuss matters common to all, such as the defense of the nascent nation and trade with the outside world. The spokeswoman for the Circle to the outside world is Yasani, a sharp, middle-aged woman of incredible beauty and will (L F4 Ch17).
These lands were formerly occupied by the Brandobians, and before that, by a long-forgotten Elosi kingdom, and before that, the Dejy Empire. Consequently, they are dotted with ruins that run the gamut from rough stone walls to isolated pillars to great statues to the remnants of whole cities. The Yentu mostly avoid these, though some of the Elosi sites have become centers of worship.
These lands were formerly occupied by the Brandobians, and before that, by a long-forgotten Elosi kingdom, and before that, the Dejy Empire. Consequently, they are dotted with ruins that run the gamut from rough stone walls to isolated pillars to great statues to the remnants of whole cities. The Yentu mostly avoid these, though some of the Elosi sites have become centers of worship.
The Yentu religion, as with all of the Elosi, is centered around Shardar the Fate Scribe, which many believe to be a hypostasis (personified attribute) of the Creator herself, and when Pelselond is a crescent, they offer bundles of herbs on bonfires in the hopes of obtaining a good fate. The cult of Shodaf the Traveller has always been popular among the nomads, as has Dofededejy the Storm Lord, though worship of the latter has become more lax since coming to these green lands. Some fear that this may bring the god's vengeance down on the tribes.